
Our copper storage bags protect your product and the planet. By utilizing our copper stop technology, copper based polymers stop oxidation of anything you put inside the bag leaving your product fresh, flavorful and potent. Whether heat or zipper sealed these bags are static free, UV resistant, antimicrobial, smell proof and made in the USA.

“I’ve seen all kinds of strains in various conditions but I have never seen Cannabis in ambient storage in a bag for a year and look and smell so fresh like it was just trimmed. I was completely blown away and utterly impressed with the incredible condition and the quality of the Cannabis on the second set of testing. I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t seal it up in a tamper proof bag after the first test. Normally Cannabis would be degraded so far it would have little to no value. There was no mold or mildew, no browning or discoloration at all. The aroma was great and there wasn’t any degradation to the flower at all. I have never seen anything like it. The test shows there was little change to potency and the Terpene profile got more complex. The Cannabis Industry now has the capability to age cure using your bags and get better Terpene profiles like the Wine industry does. This is just incredible to me.”

~ Paul Burton | Green Leaf Labs

“Total Package Copper Bags are a game changer. These bags are like magic for anything organic. Yes it keeps your bread soft and delicious for weeks or more, but the real evidence becomes clear when you have your cannabis stored away in these bags for months or even years. Once it’s cured, just bag it and forget it. No stress about degraded quality or loss of terps. Your cannabis will smell and taste the same as when you stored it away a year ago. I trust no other package for long term storage like I trust Total Package Copper Bags.”

~ Greg, Director of Operations | The Hub Craft

“These copper polymer bags have made a huge difference, not only in our curing process, but also in our storage process. When used in a temperature and humidity controlled environment with minimal UV penetration, our sungrown harvest has maintained a much higher level of quality for much longer, allowing us to monetize a higher percentage of our crop.”

~ Andrew Gruver | Cannabis Industry Professional

“We fell in Love with Totalpackagecopperbags a couple years ago when we had a ton of product and no outlets due to the market crash. The bags kept our flower fresh for so much longer than vacuum seal bags, it felt like a terpene time machine! Being able to preserve the quality of the flower in a tumultuous market is absolutely crucial, especially when it allows us to sell our older product for a good price because it hasn’t degraded with time. They are also anti microbial, which takes a lot of stress off of our shoulders, knowing that the flower won’t have any mold or mildew issues after we have put them in the bags. The bin liners are our favorite, they fit perfectly into a large tote and allow us to buck the flower and trim to order. These bags pay for themselves over and over again and last for multiple seasons if you handle them well.”

~ Travis Bond | Simply Sol Farms

“I put some B buds in one and forgot about it for about 6 months. The product was still cured and had a great nose! I have kept many b buds in Turkey bags and they turn brown, get too moist and lose nose every time in just a few weeks.”

~ Jackie | Panda Farms

“Total Package Bags have been a major win for our business. I’m coming up on 25 years in the cannabis industry. To say this product is revolutionary for storing and transporting cannabis is truly an understatement. Simply put, these bags are worth their weight in gold.”

~ Ryan Korb | Medical Kiwi New Zealand

“Total Copper bags have been a great addition to our efforts to control quality of our cannabis all the way through harvest to post harvest production. From their excellent ability to prevent static cling of the precious trichomes while storing our bulk preroll material to terpene preservation in the vault! Give em a try and see and smell the difference!”

~ Tate | Sugar Top Buddery